Around the House · Musings

Taking A Breather

Or, It’s Been A Long, Long Year

I started thinking about this month’s posts in November. Not unusual except that I was up to my ears with catalogs, online browsing, holiday card making, and the not so comfortable feeling that things were getting out of hand. Sound familiar?

Well, the shopping and the cards are done and out in the mail. The catalogs have been browsed so often there are fingerprints in places that are … odd. I’ve managed to corral them, shred the parts that need to be and toss the rest.

Enough already!

It almost feels as if the holidays have already been celebrated and we are at that point where clean up makes us wonder if we missed anything important. Like, maybe, the celebration?

When you look at the December calendar it is astounding how many different holidays there are. The mind boggles.

Like many folks I know, we started the actual shopping early. Why? Well, considering backlogs, out of orders, delays, and such, it just seemed like a good idea. An added bonus was the ability-come-requirement to think outside the box. That little extra that advised us to look beyond the normal, or usual, gift items and find things that were still a good fit but a bit more on target with the recipient in mind.

I do admit that at least one recipient on my list received a gift card because I found a literal plethora of items that would fit the bill. So many, in fact, I simply could not make up my mind. Part of me feels a touch guilty but part is curious to find out what the recipient chooses.

At this point, however, December is becoming a time when I want to put my feet up, have something tasty cooking in the kitchen, and something interesting and fun to watch or listen to.

Sort of a combination of sticker shock and jet lag, right?

Here’s to an interesting December!

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