Cooking · Food

Contemplating the Lowly Carrot

Lately I find myself thinking about those foods I actually like but don’t find myself preparing very often. I tend to struggle a bit making sure I have consumed enough vegetables – and I like many vegetables in many forms. Like carrots.

Most of us encountered the lowly carrot as part of a crudites platter along with cauliflower, broccoli, celery and such. Frankly, I think most folks were more into the dip (usually Ranch) than any of the veg. <shrug>

If you are one of us who were raised by cooks who tended to overcook vegetables – any vegetables, we remember those over done, mushey orangey things that did not inspire eating.

I think that carrots need a review if only to remind ourselves that there is potential for something delicious. Consider:

Steaming carrots allows us to cook them without their turning into paste and preserving their sweet flavor. Speaking of that flavor, if you like sweet potatoes carrots should be an easy shift because their flavors are similar.

Taking that a step farther, try adding some butter and cinnamon to your carrots. You might be surprised. Add a touch of brown sugar, too. Remind you of anything?

Roasting carrots deepens the flavor and when combined with potatoes in a pot roast the end result is … divine. It all comes down to the roasting.

Don’t overlook the old standby, carrots and peas. Both are mild flavored, which is not a negative, and are a great addition to casseroles and soups, not to mention as a side with pretty much any protein.

Carrot salad can be iffy but there are quite a few recipes out there that are not the usual mix. America’s Test Kitchen did one a few years ago that changed Julia Collin Davison’s opinion about carrot salad. Search ‘ATK Carrot Salad Recipes’ to see all kinds of great options.

While you are checking out the salads, don’t forget to check out the soup recipes. A nice carrot soup can be an unexpected pleasure.

As I contemplate my meal plan for the next month I will be adding carrots in as many places as I can. They are easy to prepare, easy on the budget, and tasty on the plate.

Care to join me?

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