
I’ve Got Those Menu Planning Blues…Again

Here we go again… Putting together a shopping list built on a menu plan for meals I might…or might not…be interested in eating later this month…

Let’s be honest, when you are bored with what you are eating it is easier to find alternatives to cooking at home. That is an expense that becomes an Expense quicker than anticipated and you are still stuck being bored with what you are eating.

This is not the same as the occasional change (i.e. Treat) when we eat out.

While I keep a reasonably well stocked pantry, sometimes it is difficult to browse through my stash (who would have thought to call it that before?) and get inclined, let alone interested, in putting something on the table.

A few weeks ago I found myself browsing Pinterest and found a recipe for baked spaghetti that reached out and grabbed my attention. So much so I printed out the recipe and added what I needed (very little) to my grocery list. I also found a version that would use up some frozen chicken breasts. 

Well, the weather shifted and things got put on hold, but today I got my grocery order and now I have all I need for the first recipe and ideas on how to create my version of the second.

What caught my attention about these two recipes is that they never left my head. I kept thinking about them. I can tell you that is something that doesn’t happen very often!

So the next time you find yourself stuck in a rut and bored with your mealplans, start checking recipe sites (Taste of Home, AllRecipes are my favorites) and see what you can find. If you keep a well stocked pantry, you might not have to buy anything special or ‘extra’, which will help with your budget.

I’ll let you know how my baked spaghetti turns out.

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